Bachelorette Party!

The week before the wedding, my gals drove down to Columbia and we partied it up. Otman was sweet enough to reserve his Excursion limousine for us for the entire night and drive us around. Yes – my fiance was present for my entire bachelorette party, and it was awesome! We gave each other “alter egos,” and called Otman “The Sultan” the entire night! My nickname was Heaven (naturally).  We ate hibachi, partied in the limo, and then went downtown for dancing and fun! Seriously- if you want to have a special night and DO IT RIGHT, get a limo! Visit and reserve your date! It is SO much fun!

Getting ready…

Both Annette and my sister Jennifer were working diligently on putting my hair up in rollers!

Annette, I’m sorry, but your face in this picture is wonderfully, adorably awesome. Thank you for curling my hair so fiercely!

Flash didn’t go off – but I still love this picture! Thank you Wensi! Her website is

And here is where the flash worked!

Here are a few of the pictures I took:

Goblin mentality was prevalent. Annette.. I mean Luscious… wha…..

Michelle, you were completely oblivious to the fact that you were pregnant here. Bet that smart look is out of your eye now, isn’t it! HA!

The Sultan is making sure his girls are taken care of…

Kim is so gorgeous. I’m sorry – ahem… her alter ego was “BB” for “Beautiful Belly/Baby.”

Work it, girl.

Yes, that’s a phone linked directly to the driver because the limo is that long! And YES, Annette is wearing 3D glasses and a leprechaun hat.

Here are some of the pictures from Michelle’s camera…

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