Campbell Family Portraits – Greer SC Photographer

Every year since their kids have been born, Kim and Chad hire me to take their family photos. Every year, I look forward to spending a dedicated hour photographing this awesome family! You can see some of their other sessions here, here and here.

Kim and I have been BFFs since we were 15 years old, and she and Chad have the most adorable children! Michael is such a sensitive, funny, sweet little guy. Ellie, with those giant blue eyes and teeny little mouth, is a fierce little firecracker! She just looks at you with a daring stare, and you can tell she is trying to figure you out.

I had such a great time in Greer, SC hanging out with the family and photographing everyone. Love you guys! I actually took these photos several weeks ago, but wasn’t able to post them until after Christmas! Kim and Chad gave these portraits out as Christmas gifts. 🙂 That is such a wonderful compliment, and I LOVE knowing that portraits I created with this beautiful family are hanging in the homes of people throughout the country. It just feels great.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I only wish the utmost happiness, joy and beauty in your life for the upcoming year.


The kids had tons of fun doing laps around the fountain.

It looks like Michael is flying through the air in the photo below. I love the joy on his face.

Such a handsome little guy.

This is so cute – Ellie thought it was hilarious when Michael tried to give her a kiss!

Ladies… he’s not even five yet.

The look on Ellie’s face here is priceless. You can just see that she is plotting something naughty. Her parents must have a hard time disciplining her – that face just makes your heart melt.

One day, they’ll look at the photo below at realize how small they were. 

Hello, gorgeous.

I love this next series:

This is what happens when you tell big brother to make sure little sister doesn’t play on the stairs.

You think they like each other?

Ellie started dancing!

Little family of models:

I love the life, expressions, and movement in this photo:

This is what happens when you use candy as bribery to get the kids to sit still during photos:


I am in love with this next series, too. If they had been on a beach, I could have made this a perfume ad or something. 🙂

They were watching the kids run around on a sugar high, so for fun I told them to pose like superheroes.

I told Michael to give me his “serious” face. GQ, anyone?

This picture is so Kim.

Refreshment after a hard day’s work.

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South Carolina Wedding Photographer, Portrait Photographer and Boudoir Photographer
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