Happy New Year!!!

This post is coming a few days late, but it’s for a great reason. My husband took me to San Francisco for my birthday and New Year’s! We had a wonderful time. We saw great friends, ate amazing food, took awesome photos, and had a great New Year’s Eve!

More to come soon – I have so many photos to share with you! But for now, here are some photos from our awesome New Year’s Eve celebration. We stayed at the Hyatt Regency in the Embarcadero Center, which was just across the street from the Port of San Francisco, where all the fireworks went off when it turned midnight. That square was packed! We spent a little time among the chaos, then went upstairs to our hotel so we could watch the fireworks as it turned midnight. They were spectacular. I took video of them with my Flip camera, so I didn’t get any shots of them with my fancy camera… but I’m posting a few other photos from the night. 🙂

It was such a great time, and I can’t wait to share more photos with you from the trip! XOXOXXO

Everyone keeps asking what my New Year’s resolution is…. and while I have plans and goals I’d like to achieve, the only resolution I have is this: Make every day count.

This was my dessert for New Year’s Eve. Isn’t the tuxedo strawberry so cute?

This is a little blurry because it was so dark outside, but I still think it’s a cute one of us:


This crowd was a little too much for me, so we went upstairs to watch the fireworks from the hotel.


Right as the fireworks ended, we found a little service door that let out to a small open balcony. It was a fun place to watch the crowd and take a few photos. First photos of 2012!

Of course, I had to shut the door… I HAD TO. MWAHAHAHAHA…. Excuse my very scary facial expressions…

Wensi LOVES her fruitcake. Seriously. She may have a problem.

More photos from San Francisco on the way!

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South Carolina Wedding Photographer, Portrait Photographer and Boudoir Photographer
For more creative and interesting photography, please visit http://www.stephaniesnyderphotography.com!

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