More Bridal Shower Pics

I told you I’d update you on what’s been going on over the past few weeks, and I’m keeping my word! I didn’t take a ton of photos the day of my bridal shower, but instinct always takes over in these cases, and I grabbed a few shots.

I think I got Sarah’s good side here… hahaha

Margie! She made this most delicious fruit salad for the bridal shower! She mixed the fruit with honey! It was so wonderful!

I had to take a few shots of the precious Julianna in her carrier. She is so adorable!!!

Look at that gorgeous face…

I love seeing my friends together.

Afterwords, we grabbed a book that explained the meaning behind birthdays. We were laughing, nodding and pointing as our personality traits were pointed out, and seemed to be extremely accurate!

Here is Wensi listening raptly to storytime…

My mother looking overwhelmingly interested…

It was such a wonderful day. I won’t ever forget it. Thank you to everyone who came and shared the special day with me. I love you.

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