Photo Contest – Please Vote!

Professional Photographer Magazine is having an amazing photography contest for the chance for one of my images to appear on the cover of their magazine. I am so excited, but definitely overwhelmed and intimidated because there is SO MUCH amazing photography out there.

I am submitting one of my favorite images of an adorable little girl named Anabella. Her mom drove down from Greenville, and we dressed her up in the most adorable fairy costume that was purchased at a local boutique in Greenville.  We took her to the Statehouse grounds in Columbia for some fun, and this little fairy found her place among the gorgeous flowers. It looks like she was born in the flowers, doesn’t it?

It was such a fun experience, and I can’t wait to take Anabella’s pictures again! Anabella was actually one of my flower girls at my wedding last month!

Please vote for this image by clicking on the picture below or visiting  Ratings are for entertainment and educational purposes only, and should not be considered official judging, but it helps!

Vote and you will be entered to win a Canon PowerShot G11!

Vote and you will be entered to win a Canon PowerShot  G11!

Vote and you will be entered to win a Canon PowerShot G11!

If you like this article, I encourage you to share it via Twitter or Facebook! As always, I would love to hear your thoughts through your comments below.
South Carolina Wedding Photographer, Portrait Photographer and Boudoir Photographer
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