Purple Flowers!


Do you see the bumblebee?

I have a creek that runs right behind my house, and I love when it rains, because the sound of the water flowing is so peaceful and soothing. When I get ready for work in the mornings, I usually go out on my deck to let my dog out and listen to it. I have some ivy that runs up the pillars on my deck, and yesterday everything was normal. This morning, I got out of bed, walked out on the deck, and discovered these gorgeous, beautiful purple flowers that grew all over the ivy and in my backyard OVERNIGHT! 🙂 It was such a wonderful, sweet sight to wake up to, especially since it was such a surprise. I went inside and grabbed my camera to take some shots to remember the feeling of this morning. The rain was still misting down a little, but the air here in South Carolina is starting to cool down and be cooler and fresh in the mornings. The leaves and contrasting flowers were so pretty and bright against the cloudy sky, and everything was so quiet, because it was early and the neighbors were sleeping in. What a wonderful way to start off the day. As I was taking the pictures, believe it or not, a big, fuzzy bumblebee actually crawled into one of the fluted flowers for just a few seconds before flying away, and I was lucky enough to grab a shot!

Cookie had to appreciate the flowers, too!

Cookie had to appreciate the flowers, too!


Hi there



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