San Francisco Photographs – Part 1

Here it is, as promised! 🙂 I’m going to post my photographs from the Bay in two or three different posts, so that this one won’t be miles long! Otman and I had so much fun in San Francisco, and the time went by way too fast!!! The flight over there was kind of awful, but it was worth it.

We flew over the Wednesday after Christmas, and got there really late because of various flight delays…. so we did NOTHING Wednesday except check into our amazing hotel and sleep. Thursday morning, however, we took the city on full force. We woke up, grabbed breakfast, and since our hotel was right downtown, (right outside the Port of San Francisco, next to the Embarcadero) we were able to step out into the city!

I start this post from the day we arrived, and end right before we partied for New Year’s Eve. If you haven’t already, you can see that post here.


This is the view from our hotel room:

The lobby of the hotel (the Hyatt Regency in downtown San Francisco, Embarcadero Center) was gorgeous. It actually is in the Guiness Book of World Records as the largest hotel lobby in the WORLD. I was in love with this sculpture in the center of the lobby with all of the gorgeous lights hanging down from the top floors into the atrium:


Another view of the city from one of the windows from our hotel:


The traditional San Francisco cable car.


This guy was tearing it up! He sounded really good.


The architecture of this city is beautiful.


Wensi came over and hung out one night. 🙂

The carousel at Fisherman’s Wharf:


Alcatraz. I LOVE Alcatraz. So many layers of history together, and so many haunting stories surrounding it. We didn’t boat over there this time, but we did last time we were in San Francisco, in 2007.


Otman and I in front of Alcatraz…

Street performers:


This guy was hilarious. I liked his jokes more than his acrobatics. 🙂

This is the famous turnaround for the cable cars…

This top picture is at the top of the hill we climbed to get a good view. The bottom picture is after we went down the hill just one block. Hopefully that will give you an idea of how steep these hills are! 🙂


I loved this guy’s hat. It reminded me of Wensi, since she has a husky named Tenshi.


I’ll be back with more photos from San Francisco as we entered 2012! 😉

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South Carolina Wedding Photographer, Portrait Photographer and Boudoir Photographer
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